[Local Startup Ecosystem Community]
“Private Gathering for Sustainability of Entrepreneurs”
Kim Chi WonWecan Inc. | CEO
SunGyun GoCorasoft Inc. | CEO
JeongYun April HurEmotionalgraphy | CEO
[Problem Solving of Local Startup Ecosystem]
“How to form an IT team for local startups?”
Jung Woo HyunSoftsquared | CTO
Choo Byeong JoLifementos | CEO
[Expansion of Connection]
“Open Innovation in Japan”
Park Yong TaeYOKOGAWA Electic Korea | General Manager
Ko Yeon SunMizuho Bank Seoul Branch | Director
Lee Jae MinSumimoto Corporation Korea | Team Leader
Kim Tae HoonDeeping Source | CEO
Kang Gui SunWe Meet Mobility | CEO
[Activation of Local Startup Ecosystem]
“Workation Ecosystem Forum”
DdoddunamYouTube Creator
Kim Ho Gyu (Moderator)Work & Stay | CEO
Lee Chul WooIGIS Asset Management | Director
Joo Jin YoungTap Angel Partners | Vice President
[Local Startup Ecosystem]
“Smart Marine Startup Casual Unconference”
Jang An Na (Moderator)Tap Angel Partners | Vice President
Ha Sung YeopMarinaChain | CEO
Cho Jae ManBNK Venture Investment | Director
Seo Kwang HoonTOADS | CEO
Park BomKIOST | Manager